Statement by the executive director


Md. Mozammel Hossain Talukder

Founder and Executive Director

         Executive Director’s Statement


I am more than happy to present this website to all of you. Because the world wide web is a very effective communication medium. We want to reach out to people of all ethnic groups in our country, including people from remote parts of the world.

Like the previous years, the Samajik Seba Shonghothon has taken a significant step forwards becoming a strong network organization in the Microfinance sector in Bangladesh. Samajik Seba Shonghothon took the opportunity to review its purpose and program when it undertook a participator planning & decision exercise.

This has enabled staff from all levels and programs in deciding the direction Samajik Seba Shonghothon wishes to take as it embarks on its next year. Samajik Seba Shonghothon now believes it has an effective and sustainable development approach to the poor hopeless people of the rural area in our country.

The learning & events of this reported year will help Samajik Seba Shonghothon to carry forward its mission & vision in the coming year.

It is our humble submission to the group’s members of Samajik Seba Shonghothon, donors, other well-wishers, and members of the civil society in Bangladesh.

Samajik Seba Shonghothon by tradition a rural development & social-economic development organization has endeavored a number of initiatives that have primarily benefited the poor & helpless community people in the rural area and has enriched the organization itself during years 2019 with more and more effective learning. It has also continued to innovate new policies, approaches, and modern technologies as it implements its programs.

I would like to express our thanks and appreciation and extend our wholehearted gratitude to the General and Executive council members for their contribution and support in implementing its programs effectively. I’m also offerings a lot of things to our dedicated staff for their sincere hard work. Our special thanks to those who support our programs which make all our achievements possible – especially Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA), Grihayan Tahobil of The Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd, South-East Bank Ltd, NCC Bank Ltd, Standard Bank Ltd, Social welfare department of Bangladesh and others donors for their positive role to implement the programs.


Md. Mozammel Hossain Talukder

Executive Director
Samajik Seba Shonghothon
November 2023

Positive Thoughts

We aspire to be like hlpers. So we serve all people. No matter their religion, ethnicity, or gender.

Heartful Help

Going after poverty’s symptoms is temporary. Going after its causes is permanent for everyone.

Spread To Everyone

In an effort to ensure volunteering at Foundation events is fulfilling experience for you.

Md. Mozammel Hossain Talukder

Executive Director